Friday, October 24, 2008

Build your own rig!! please..

Stop buying your desktops from Dell, HP and those other money leaching companies. It makes me sad every time you buy an expensive prebuilt pc from them, when you could've use that extra money to buy an even better rig.

Here's an example from Dell's:
Plan on upgrading the RAM? Guess what. You have to add $320 for the Corsair Dominator. Are you f****ing kidding me?!! The RAM just cost $120 for a new and even faster set here. And because your upgrading from something, it should be even less.

What kind of logic in business is that? I know business people are evil, money grabbing thieves, but come on. 200% in net gain! The engineers designing those RAM would have had a great laugh at those idiots who bought them.

Here's another one:
The two 9800GT in sli would cost $200. They said it's a $300 value. That's fine. But upgrading to a Geforce GTX 280 requires additional $500. Well, the card only cost less than $400 and if the $300 value is already in the initial price, don't we only need to add $100? Here'a a rip off of $400. WOW!! Well done Dell. I never thought you can do any worst than the RAM.

If i were to built the pc for you, that $400 can be use to buy me dinner for a whole month. Add in the extra charges from other components, heck, you can even built me a new rig on top of yours.

So please, pretty please with cherry on top, never buy desktops from them again. I'm gonna write a post on 'Building your own rig" soon. If after reading this and you still insist in buying prebuilt, just give me call, and i can come to your place anywhere in the States and build you that dream computer. And i bet the cost you pay for my plane tickets is still less than what you'll be wasting.

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