Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Not-so-secret Life on an American young-adult

The break is almost over. What have I accomplished? Nothing, really.
I built one computer, completed a couple of games, eat and sleep; financially restricted to go anywhere.
But, there's nowhere in particular that I want to visit anyway. Here's a small dialog with my mom:

Mom: Why don't you travel during the break?
Me: I dunno where to go.
Mom: You can visit Florida's Disneyland, California beaches, or New York.
Me: Have you been there?
Mom: Yes, you were with me to all of those places too.
Me: Then, there's no point in going there again.

If you are in Malaysia, how often do you travel around Malaysia? Not as often as when you're in the States I presume. Why is that?

It's because we tend to think of our hometown as the best place in Malaysia. We don't even wanna imagine living in another district, let alone another state. Throw a Selangor to Kelantan, and he'll be complaining of the hot weather and ikan masin smell. A Terengganu to Johor, he'll wish for more seafood dishes.

I never heard a Malaysian said another state is better than his's/her's. Even among Selangors, they would say: "Bangi best, Kajang bosan etc". I never get to join those conversation when I was small. I thought I was from Pahang when I was small because I live there for 9 years. But, I remember living in KL before that. Then, I moved to Selangor and finally KL again.

I bet you guys been asked this question in the first class by almost every teacher: "Where are you from?" I really hate-no, despise that question. My answer is always my current location, so the teacher won't ask me anymore stupid question like: "what is special about your hometown?". I remember seeing some of my classmate jumping to say he's from Kemaman with lots of ikan bakar, or Kajang with satays, or KL the city.

However, it's different now. Last time I was asked by an American that question and I answered proudly "I'm from Michigan". His eyes lit up and said he's from Michigan too. I said I was born in Kalamazoo, Western Michigan. He said he graduated from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo. He continued to tell me about the best places to go to eat and hang out in Kalamazoo. I was so happy to finally be able to have this conversation.

So, hear this! California, New York, Florida or anywhere else bosan cam sial. Michigan gak best ade salji banyak. Thank you.

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