Sunday, May 24, 2009

Free Food!!

This week was filled with disappointment, consolation, enjoyment and foremost: free food; lots and lots of free food. Long story short, Midwest Games 09 was canceled, a bbq was held, then a treat from MSD, then another "makan2" at Asma's and finally another bbq. Maybe that's just how people are. Foods and friends can really cheer up the situation.

Then there was also the movie. I watched X-Men origin: Wolverine with Resty (not much sense in hiding it anymore) on Friday night. The movie was great. The company was even better.

All in all, this week started with a sad story but ended with happiness. At least that's how I feel. Hopefully no one is still grieving about the stuff that could have happened. Just be thankful of the happy things that came true in the end.

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