Went to see an optometrist today. I really felt like my eyesight was deteriorating. I was so worried that I had nightmares that I have to wear this ugly and thick eyeglass. So I went to Illini Eye Care to have an eye exam.
First off, they asked a lot of this bogus medical questions that for me, personally, has nothing to do with the eyes. Anyway, on with the actual test. The optometrist told me to read the letters across the room with each eye and I can read the lowest one, although not as clear as I used to see. He then turned off the light and use this scope with light thingy and check the inside of my eyes. He said it was perfectly fine.
Then he used the machines with the rotating lenses while I say which lenses makes the letters at the far end of the room look clearer. However I just needed 1 click to make it all better. He then gave me a pair of lenses with -.50 power and brought me outside to read the door sign (with is small as hell) from across the street. FYI, that was farther than across the room before. I can read it clearly with the glasses on.
So what's the conclusion? He said I can make a pair of eyeglass with power 50 (it was soo damn thin), or wait and literally see if it gets worst. He recommended that I just stop stressing my eyes by not sitting too far at the back and eat more vegetables to improve them.
All in all, it was just a false alarm. I still have great vision. Although not as perfect as before. Gotta start eating more carrots to get them back to 20/20.